Thrombolytic Therapy
Thrombolytic therapy is the administration of drugs called lytics or “clot busters” to dissolve blood clots that have acutely (suddenly) blocked your major arteries or veins and pose potentially serious or life-threatening implications. To be effective, the therapy needs to be initiated as soon as possible, before permanent damage has occurred. The length of a […]
Transcarotid Artery Revascularization
Transcarotid Artery Revascularization (TCAR) is a clinically proven, minimally invasive procedure to treat carotid artery disease and help prevent future strokes. TCAR is unique in that blood flow is temporarily reversed during the procedure so that any bits of plaque that may break off are diverted away from the brain. Why It’s Done Your vascular […]
Treatment For Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD)
Peripheral vascular disease involves blockages affecting the body’s lower extremities. These types of obstructions can cause serious circulatory complications – some of which can become fatal if left untreated. Intervention is necessary to prevent complications of peripheral vascular disease and the deterioration of the affected limb. Peripheral vascular intervention varies from patient to patient, with […]